Instructions for Use:
1. If possible remove mount to a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors. This is necessary for large-scale (greater than 250 ml usage of the product. Although Mount Saver is all-natural, some people may be sensitive to the product. Applicators are cautioned to be aware of this and should consult their clients prior to applying Mount Saver in a closed environment such as trophy room or indoors.
2. If possible, remove loose debris from the mount using vacuum or compressed air. This step may not be possible if insect damage is extensive. Where large-scale damage has occurred, areas of the mount may be without attached hair or feathers. In these cases, clients should be consulted as to the extent of damage and potential restoration options. Additional habitat, patching and creative painting may be options to conceal permanent damage.

3. Liberally apply Mount Saver solution to the animal making sure to thoroughly wet all hair, feathers, hide/skin areas and all mount surfaces as applicable. This can be accomplished by directly pouring Mount Saver over the mount, but is best accomplished with the use of a sprayer. For some applications a trigger sprayer can be used, but for large applications a compatible pump sprayer will make the job much easier.

4. Manually work Mount Saver solution into the mount if necessary. Manually working Mount Saver beyond the hair or feathers down to the dermis is important for effective contact with the infestation. The insects are feeding at the interface between the hair and the hide. It may be necessary to spread the hair to ensure Mount Saver makes contact with the infested areas and wash away the insects, larvae and eggs.

5. Allow solution to drain from mount and wipe to remove any excess. Collecting the excess product is a good idea. It reduces our impact on the environment, keeps the work area safe and neat. If making the Mount Saver solution from concentrate, the recovered product can be filtered through a paint filter and used as diluent for the next batch in place of water.

6. If not confident that total saturation has been achieved, cover mount with Polyethylene bag or Polyethylene sheet wrap and let stand for 4 hours. The use of plastic wrap or fumigation bags is recommended for medium to large life size mounts and any long haired species. If rehydration is a concern, use the directed times. Studies have shown insects to die within four hours of exposure to vapors. However, if rehydration is not an issue, longer exposure times are beneficial when working with dense hair or fur. During product evaluation, certain mounts were kept wrapped in excess of 24 hours. Varying taxidermy techniques may not allow longer wrapped times; types of glue, hide closure techniques, and manikin types all come into account when evaluating the wrap time.

7. Remove wrap and allow the mount to dry. This can be accelerated with fans or blow dryers.

8. Repeat step 2 to remove any remaining debris and expired insects, larvae, or eggs.

9. Perform all needed repairs and recondition, if desired. This is also a good opportunity to make any additional paint or epoxy repairs, where needed.

10. Fluff and comb hair or preen feathers. Infested mounts treated with Mount Saver will have a pleasant mint-like odor, and a restored natural luster.
Note: If “IN PLACE” application is required, place absorbent material over a plastic tarp to catch overspray/excess solution. Alternatively, reduce usage quantities to moisten the hair to whatever is tolerable and increase the wrap duration to two or more days; some room ventilation will be required.
Material usage: An average life size black bear will require 2-3 liter for treatment. A typical shoulder mount Fallow Deer will require about 120 – 240 ml (1,2 – 2,4 dl). It may also be necessary to treat habitat areas for infestation. NB: Please check product compatibility with habitat before application.