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Clothing moth

Cloth moths (Tineola bisselliella) together with fur moths are the most common pest moths in Europe. It is the clothing moth larvae that are the actual pests. They feed on animal products such as wool, fur, silk, feathers, hair and the like. They can also attack plastic and plant materials. Adults measure 6-8 mm in length. Golden-brown wings without markings. The trailing edge of the wings are strongly fringed. Larvae measure up to 10 mm in length. Creamy white with a brown head.

Fur moth

Fur moths (Tinea pellionella) together with clothing moths are the two most common pest moths in Europe. Fur moths damage fur and textiles such as clothes, upholstery, carpets, etc., but they can also infest certain dry foods. It is the fur moth larvae that are the actual pests. Adults measure 6-8 mm long. Larvae up to 10 mm long. Creamy white colour.


Dermestidae are a family of Coleoptera  that are commonly referred to as skin beetles. Other common names include larder beetle, hide or leather beetles, carpet beetles, and khapra beetles. There are approximately 500 to 700 species worldwide. They can range in size from 1-12 mm. Key characteristics for adults are round, oval shaped bodies covered in scales or setae. The usually clubbed antennae fit into deep grooves. The hind femora also fit into recesses of the coxa. Larvae are scarabaeiform and also have setae.

Dermestids have a variety of habits. Most genera are scavengers that feed on dry animal or plant material such as skin or pollen, animal hair, feathers, dead insects and natural fibers. Members of Dermestets are found in animal carcasses, while others may be found in mammal, bird, bee or wasp nests.

Some species are pests and can cause extensive damage to natural fibers in homes and businesses.

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